Compliance: What is important to us
As a plastics processing company, it is important to us at Dr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH to align our business practices with a holistic, sustainable approach to business. In doing so, we attach great importance to integrity, righteousness and respect for human dignity, as well as responsible use of our ecological resources. We view this with economic foresight and social responsibility.
After more than 75 years of entrepreneurial activity as a medium-sized family business, sustainability is a lived practice for us; it is an important principle for the framework conditions under which our products are created and our entrepreneurial decisions are made.
It is our conviction that a solid compliance culture for our voluntary measures in our social responsibility and, of course, compliance with legal regulations are essential for the success of our company. We therefore regard compliance not only as a legal obligation, but also as a question of attitude and our essential basic principle for economic, social, ethical and thus sustainable action.
Our values of openness, discipline, trust, responsibility and setting an example provide us with a reliable framework for this. These standards are based on the fact that we live our values and principles together and put them into practice in our daily work.

Code of Conduct for Employees
The holistic sustainable attitude of the company determines our actions and is therefore also reflected in the Code of Conduct for our employees at Dr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH.
This summarizes the most important compliance rules for lawful and ethical business conduct and builds on our traditional family values of openness, discipline, trust and leading by example.
We pass on all important behavioral guidelines to our employees with the help of web-based training and printed publications.
Code of Conduct for Business Partners
We have encouraged our business partners to uphold our compliance guidelines, also within the framework of our general purchasing and business terms and conditions, in order to jointly assume corporate responsibility.
You can view this Code of Conduct and our General Terms and Conditions of Purchase and Business here:
>>> Code of Conduct for Business Partners
Report notice: Together for integrity and trust
At Dr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH, early detection of violations and reduction of damage to our company, our employees and our business partners is of great importance to us. Serious information plays a decisive role in this. For this reason, we offer various ways of contacting us – even anonymously via our whistleblower system, if desired.
Our whistleblower system is available to all employees of the company and third parties who have business dealings with Dr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH or the companies of the Allit Group. We protect the interests of whistleblowers not only by setting up this secure system, but also by guaranteeing the confidential treatment of all incoming information. Whistleblowers who act in good faith are protected from possible disadvantages by all appropriate means (protection against reprisals).
When investigating reported tips, we take equal account of the interests of the persons concerned that are worthy of protection. It is important to remember that suspicions and accusations can have serious consequences for the person concerned. Therefore, we encourage you to use the whistleblower system responsibly.
If you wish to report a whistleblower, our Allit Group Integrity Line is available to you. Through this whistleblower system, you can submit your information in writing or as a voice message. To do so, click on the link below, which will redirect you to the external page.
For more information on the choice of language, the principle of operation, the anonymity of the whistleblower, data protection and much more, please visit the external page.